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Eat healthier by cooking your own food

The Plan

Every so often I realize that I've been spending too much. As a result I take a month (although the first time was 40 days) and 'fast' on spending. It's not easy, but it's quite helpful in many ways. Each time I've done this I have actually made between 50 and 200 dollars. Combine that with the money I didn't spend, and the fact that I reformed my spending, it can have a big impact financially.


Welcome to visitors from Budgets Are Sexy! And thanks to J Monee to posting my story


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Check out the other spending pages too!

Cash: $43.22 (+$36.22)

Day 5: Update on Soxite

Today was more of the same, walked in, yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I had some of the leftover stirfry from tuesday night and ate the apple from the other day as a snack. During lunch I finished up this webpage. It was tough to do the calendar and a few other things. It is similar to the other like the woodwork and homework pages, but it lists things in chronological order instead of in reverse. Was a little tricky.

On the walk home today I went by the bank exchange some change for bills. Believe it or not I dug up over $36 in change. I found some coins from when I went to London too but I don't think they'd take those at Wachovia. The change was an odd assortment of things that I had around the house, in couches and at my office in a drawer.

Tonight I am going to watch the football game with Melissa at her church. While I was waiting I've been watching tv on my computer and tried out a digital antenna that I have had in a closet. I don't particularly need it and couldn't find a signal signal so I put it up on Craigslist. Hopefully it will hit soon. I suppose I'll toss it on the news groups too. "3 minute" Frozen pizza is dinner tonight. I think I have at least 4 in there. They remind me a lot of the Mama Celeste pizzas I used to eat all the time when I was little :)


Acquired: $36.22
Consumed: frozen pizza, stirfry, yogurt, apple, peanuts

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