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Lose weight by eating more frugally

The Plan

Every so often I realize that I've been spending too much. As a result I take a month (although the first time was 40 days) and 'fast' on spending. It's not easy, but it's quite helpful in many ways. Each time I've done this I have actually made between 50 and 200 dollars. Combine that with the money I didn't spend, and the fact that I reformed my spending, it can have a big impact financially.


Welcome to visitors from Budgets Are Sexy! And thanks to J Monee to posting my story


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Cash: $278.76 (-$1)

Day 11: Nostalgic excite

When I was little I got a Whatchamacallit candybar in my halloween candy. My friends older sister asked me for it and said she'd buy me a bigger one later from the ice cream man. Reluctantly I gave in. She never bought me the dang thing and as a result I have an extreme fondness for this particular candy bar. It's hard to find so I scoop them up when I see one. This morning Jenise had one and gave it to me. I was very excited and have been trying my best not to eat it until after lunch. When Tammie saw me carrying it around (like a kid with a blankie) she wrangled me into buying a chocolate bar with pretzel in it. for a fundraiser that she is doing. It seems like it will be good too but I hope that I don't get a headache from all the chocolate evil. I brought in lots of tasty leftovers to have for lunch today and some string cheese.

Tonight was nice and quiet. I finished off the sloppy joes, had some broccoli and made some butterscotch pudding. Liza liked the pudding and had some of what was left in the bowl. Glee was on tv so I watched that along with some other Hulu stuff. I am really digging this cheap tv thing. Lots to watch plus a nice warm fuzzy feeling that Comcast isn't getting my dough.


Acquired: Watchmacallit, pretzel candy bar
Consumed: $1, Watchmacallit, yogurt, pudding, broccoli mac and cheese leftovers, sloppy joe leftovers

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