Air Trip

New Hampshire & Maine - 2006
1/28 - 2/4

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Friday was a day of rain. LOTS of rain. In an effort to squeeze out one more day of skiing, we drove 2 hours north to Sugarloaf (trail map). only a few miles before we got there, the rain turned to snow. It was great. Until we got to the lift. We rode up on the lift, and I found several gusts of wind that tried to tear me off. Snowboards, for those that don't know, can easily turn into sails. Kia is giving me 'bunny ears' here.
The wind was accompanied with heavy snow, and fog. making it really tough to manage. It's pretty hard to pull off runs when it is snowing hard. It's much worse when you don't know the mountain. I was lucky to have my clear goggle shield to slap in the frame Kia was stuck with his dark somewhat scratched ones. I tried to lead to at least give him an idea of where to go, but I am had a heck of a time figuring out what was ahead of me. Shadows, bumps, ice... all looked the same.
This shot of Kia has a mountain behind him. and trees and people. I couldn't see them. That's for sure. After a break in the lodge we decided to head out and brave the now snowy roads.

We stopped on the way home and picked up donuts. Lots of people came in to stay at the house that night so we went back to our bunk house and slept. That place creeped me out. The hanging blue towel in the picture looked an awful lot like someone coming to stab me when I woke up in the middle of the night. After a brief period of freaking out, I survived.

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