The New PlanRemember how I did NoSpend November last year? Well this year I decided to try it in December. There are a couple of reasons for this shift. First of all I had a vacation planned already for November so I didn't want to skimp on it since vacations for me are so rare. The other reason is that while last November was difficult (primarily because of football season) it wasn't as big a stretch to pull off. Christmas is a big spending time and I found that instead of really saving on holiday spending, it could have been differed. So is it really no spend? Tough call.
So this time I figured I would get back into the blogging habit by No Change November showing you what happens in a typical month for me. I will do my best to be realistic about it and not restrict my spending out of shame since you're watching! The only noted difference is that I am not allowing Christmas presents to get stockpiled a head of time. A benefit of this activity is for me to see how well I can track my spending. In this age of digital payments I rarely look at bank accounts or credit card statements. Lets see how it goes!
Check out the other spending pages too! |
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Check out the other spending pages too!
Cash: $550.95 (-$12.47) |
Day 8: Caught the BT
I got out of bed at 7:44, ran upstairs, got dressed, threw my coat on and was out the door running by 7:49. Trucking it on down Rutledge St I could hear the BT (bus) coming. I knew that I'd be able to catch it since it always is picking people up at the run right before the hour. He was nice and didn't pull away when he saw me. As I caught my breath sitting on the bus I realized that I forgot to bring yogurt! Aaron and I wandered over to ABP and I got a muffin and OJ again. My nose has been runny since the football game. Can't seem to shake it. Hopefully the OJ will do the trick. Lunch was at the Hokaido buffet with Aaron and Ryan. After work I came home to get some work done on these pages and wrote up a few things for work. Anna and I watched some tv online and I had soup that was leftover from the other night. There is some good cheddar jalapeno bread that Kim left too. was a nice combination. For dessert I had this tofuti ice cream sandwich thing. Tasty and non dairy.. so non painful for my belly.
Hey look! I'm caught up to today. I should be able to keep better track of this from now on. Of course next week I go on a trip so might be a little tricky then. Might look bad that I cleared $500 in a single week but it's mostly football tickets and the hotel for the upcoming trip. Aren't I great at rationalizing?
Acquired: corn muffin, OJ, Hokaido buffetConsumed: $12.47, corn muffin, OJ, Hokaido buffet, soup, tofuti cutie
Spending totals:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |