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Um.. how come you eat out so much?

The New Plan

Remember how I did NoSpend November last year? Well this year I decided to try it in December. There are a couple of reasons for this shift. First of all I had a vacation planned already for November so I didn't want to skimp on it since vacations for me are so rare. The other reason is that while last November was difficult (primarily because of football season) it wasn't as big a stretch to pull off. Christmas is a big spending time and I found that instead of really saving on holiday spending, it could have been differed. So is it really no spend? Tough call.


So this time I figured I would get back into the blogging habit by No Change November showing you what happens in a typical month for me. I will do my best to be realistic about it and not restrict my spending out of shame since you're watching! The only noted difference is that I am not allowing Christmas presents to get stockpiled a head of time. A benefit of this activity is for me to see how well I can track my spending. In this age of digital payments I rarely look at bank accounts or credit card statements. Lets see how it goes!


Check out the other spending pages too!

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Check out the other spending pages too!

Cash: $808.62 (-$46.77)

Day 17: Stinky

Today we ate our breakfast which was provided of course by our bed and breakfast. First on the list of things to do was to go to The Biltmore and tour around. There was quite a bit open to see and they were all decked out for Christmas time too. They have a special evening viewing that you can do for the house if you pay extra so we got signed up for that as well. It was neat to see this house because I've seen so many of the summer cottages/mansions up in Newport. Definitely a different feel for this place though. Nice to see that it's so well kept up too. The one's in Newport seem to be slipping a bit. I would guess it's because there are so many to choose from up there and here there's just the one. Lunch was good, Anna had a steak salad and I had a chicken pot pie. Very tasty and good size servings. After that we walked around the garden and tried to find roses that smelled good (dubbed as stinky ones). It was definitely cold though so we headed out as the sun was going down and came home for a nap.

After the nap it was back to the Biltmore and we walked through (much more quickly) to see all the Christmas lights on and fireplaces lit. I was hoping that they would light up the outside as well but I suppose that's not really quite how they would have done it back then. Dinner was all of our leftovers from yesterday and come free cookies from downstairs. We watched a Netflix movie that I had ordered before the trip and hit the sack. Of course it was a bit tricky getting to sleep since I accidentaly pointed out that someone in the house was snoring. We tried turning on a fan that I found in the closet but it had a heater in it as well. It smelled like toast, so I wasn't too comfortable running it while we were sleeping. Instead we turned the alarm clock to static and turned it up. It didn't completely work but it sure helped!


Acquired: included breakfast, lunch at The Biltmore
Consumed: $46.77, included breakfast, Biltmore tickets, cookies, leftovers

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