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Get in better shape from walking instead of driving

Extreme NoSpend

Remember how I did NoSpend November last year? Well this year I decided to try it in December. There are a couple of reasons for this shift. First of all I had a vacation planned already for November so I didn't want to skimp on it since vacations for me are so rare. The other reason is that while last November was difficult (primarily because of football season) it wasn't as big a stretch to pull off. Christmas is a big spending time and I found that instead of really saving on holiday spending, it could have been differed. So is it really no spend? Tough call. So in that spirit I modified one rule from 09. No Christmas stockpiling.


No Change November sprung as a result of things being moved to December. I can now compare it to December as well as last November. I also get a chance to see if I am able to track spending when it is happening all the time. Lets see how it all goes! Also of note, I am changing how I list acquired and consumed. If I acquired a cookie and ate it all in the same day, it will only be listed in consumed. Acquired will only be present for things that make it to the end of the day. The exception to this is cashflow.

[If you want to see them you can display the complete rules here]


Welcome once again to visitors from Budgets Are Sexy! And thanks to J Monee to posting my story


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Check out the other spending pages too!

Cash: $36.36 (-$5.74)

Day 11: Idea for Dough

I wasn't able to do much today aside from dehydrate more stuff. I tried a batch of pumpkin, but it kinda wasn't good. Then I forgot to turn off the dehydrator, and it got really bad. I've been looking all over for the missing $10 but no luck so far. Maybe it's at work? Patrick did point out 2 pennies though so I added them to the total. John brought back my truck which looks way awesome. He is going to bring me some receipts too so I can pay him back for that stuff. I took Dacia shopping and she paid me back the last dinner she owed. While I was out I picked up a few presents which I will not name. Who knows, they might be for you! I was good though and only spent a few bucks here and there. When I dropped off Dacia I picked up some cookies that were for Patrick and a pumpkin that she had on her kitchen table. I'll see how it does for a pie.

Back at home I tried another batch of pumpkin. It's going now. Keep your fingers crossed! At dinner Dacia and I talked about me making pies and selling them to make some December dough. She said she'd buy a couple for her class on Wednesday so I am going to give that a whirl. Whether or not I do more, we'll just have to see. I better see if it's ok if I use lard in the crust!


Acquired: $.02, presents, big pumpkin, cookies, dried pumpkin seeds
Consumed: $5.76, 2 small pumpkins

Daily cash values: