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4 new entries added after 7/22/08

  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 3
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 2
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 1
  • 11/14/08 Footprints in the sand
  • All old woodworking projects except the deck fence have been copied (but not removed) from here to Woodwork. Now you'll have two pages to come see for updates on my projects!
    Take a look at the older or newer event
    Till her about it - 5/13/07

    I am sure that you all know that for me, gardening is often about demolition. Very little of the original owner's landscaping remains. It was time for me to get rid of some more.
    Two bushes and some of that decorative grass beside the deck have always bothered me. A week or two ago I clipped one down and found that the base was pretty formidable. I wouldn't be able to do it on my own. Jul was happy to help in what might have been the most difficult project so far. We started with a trick I came across in a fit of laziness. Using the tiller to dig. I started a trench around the bush about 20" wide and easily 2 feet deep. We took turns tilling and clearing out the dirt. Eventually we excavated a nice little crater. But the thing still wouldn't move.
    With the shovels feeling like they were going to snap, I grabbed a few 2x6's and we started prying and pulling and pushing and digging. In the end it was a dual effort see-saw maneuver that popped it out. Once it was rolled out of the hole our victory was complete. Sadly. The 300lb thing is too heavy to move from where it now sits. Most likely we will roll it off somewhere, somehow. I'll figure that out later. Seconds before this picture, Jul and I were being held up by the weight of the bush. we fell to the ground laughing as the picture was taken
    After an extended break I came back out and started tilling around the second smaller bush. I managed to get quite far down. But I lacked the energy to finish up. Monday Jul and I (and Steve toward the end) went out once more to dig and till until bush 2 popped out. Liza, as always, was oblivious to the world around her.