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4 new entries added after 7/22/08

  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 3
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 2
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 1
  • 11/14/08 Footprints in the sand
  • All old woodworking projects except the deck fence have been copied (but not removed) from here to Woodwork. Now you'll have two pages to come see for updates on my projects!
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    In about an hour x 6 - 4/13/08

    A while back I bought a new light/fan for the bathroom downstairs. While I was cleaning the house up I took a quick break to install it. It should have been an easy job but that was because I forgot something. This is an old house, and no offense to the previous owners, but the last fan was a bit of a hodgepodge of quick fixes that didn't allow for an upgrade. The old fan had a casing that was mounted by tearing out part of the second floor, cutting a chunk of the joist out and throwing in a section of 2x4. The process of installation was:

    • - Tear out the old fan using tin snips, a chisel, a drill, needle nose pliers, and a hammer (shown on right).
    • - Mount four 2x4s against the joist to center the fan. Hard to do when the drill is out of batteries.
    • - Chisel out one of the two layers of drywall (don't ask) so the fan output would fit.
    • - Mount the fan at 90degrees from the correct direction.
    • - Splice in a new section of wire so that it would reach.
    • - Mount the fan and light.
    • - Stare in awe at the majestic new fixture.
    • - Ponder the best way to patch the ceiling.

    All in all it took a good 6 hours to work on the light. Amazing. Truly amazing.