Road Trip

Montgomery Co. VA
December 4, 2002
For the past 3 years I have been getting my own Christmas tree and having a big ol party. I wasn't able to get the tree from the same place as I had. I did find a place and on the first day of snow in Blacksburg (not planned) Ripcord, Bree and I went to get a tree. The weather was rather unforgiving. We put Ripcords new tires to the test!
I was very happy with the choices, even if they were smaller than I had been getting in the past. Two years ago, was no doubt the widest tree ever.. Last year I crammed a 12 foot tree in there somehow. This yeah I was going to go with the pine trees of gigantic proprtions, but I went with a fir that was very well shaped. Good stuff. Our neighbors from upstairs came down and helped us decorate. A great way to meet new people. One day I will get a tree bigger than I had last year... but I don't think my ceilings will allow it. Guess I'll have to put it sideways.. check back soon to see the outside decorations..

- Me

The Road

Driver (Ripcord)

sleepy Bree
me The farm

Loading the tree Post tree finding dinner The tree's new home
same place different angle

Lights for outside

Food Time Water for the tree Product placement
Liza takes a drink

No decorations

All decked out

same with out flash

from a distance