Air Trip

Nick's Birthday

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(Please let me know if you see anything screwy on these pages either in the way they are displaying, or links or grammar or whatever. I am hurrying through them so I might miss some things)

I just remembered something from yesterday. We were at a liquor store getting something for Nick's recipe. There on the shelf was a bottle of Sam Adams. It was more like a genie bottle and was made of copper. Apparently this $100 beer is 50 proof. It was bizarre. I am rather confident that anything that high in alcohol content is no longer beer. Oh well. Someday perhaps someone with more money then they know what to do with, will buy two of them and be full after the first. I will then steal the second beer from them and tell them that Nick took it.

Today is Sunday. Oddly I got out of bed first. Very rare. Though I suppose I was the only one that took a nap yesterday. Jess has been baking a cake for tonite. A gingerbread/Guinness cake! It smells very tasty. As far as the outside world goes, it's in the 50's. Which is nice. But tonite it is supposed to get super cold, and rain/snow etc etc. Hopefully this won't screw up my flight in the morning. I'll just have to wait and see.

We have been listening to a new public radio station. You should check it out. Go to MPR (not NPR). You can click on the links on the right under 'The Current'. I think it is quite good. Today for lunch we are going to a place that has burgers injected with cheese. Nick says they are tasty, but potentially a burning hazard. I will give you the full report when I return. I am sure that you have been waiting anxiously for ever little bit of info I am writing up. So I will try to hurry.

Matt's... Seems like a safe enough place. Well for the most part it is. It was surprisingly full for a sunday afternoon. Just a little hole in the wall type place. With super tasty food and pop.

Nick and I both ordered a 'Jucy Lucy.' The concept is simple. Make two burgers, slap some cheese in the middle and cook it up so that the scalding cheese is waiting inside. Luckily we ordered some fries as well. Nick showed me the trick of using the fries to poke a hole in them so that we could speed up the cooling process a bit. It worked out well. With only some minor sticky fingers, Lucy was easily conquered, as any tasty burger should be.

We came home to the horrid horrid smell of Guinness gingerbread cake, and key lime pie. I will do my best to make sure that no one has to eat any of it. I often have to make sacrifices to eat food such as this that has gone bad. Much like throwing oneself on a grenade, it is up to brave people like myself to protect others from the tasty tasty... um.. wait no I mean horrible doom that would surely await them.

What the heck??? I think I just saw a pimp walk by. That was weird.

We just wandered around for a bit outside. Walked up to the lake through lots of puddles from the melting ice. I am hoping that they are not counting all the puddles in with the 10,000 lakes. That is just cheating. I will have to take it up with the local chamber of commerce.

We also saw a pair of strange houses. The first was a very was a baffling color combination. The second was.. well you can see for your self. It was just plain baffling. I commented on how I didn't know how someone could live in a house like that and not go crazy. Even if I was already crazy, I think I would change to a new kind of crazy. Either that or start capturing children and fattening them up so that I could cook them. I suppose that is kind of crazy too though.

Nick is back to making his big sausage beany thing. It smells quite good. I am going to go find something to munch on and build up some energy that I just burned of from that walk.

Sunday night was Cassoulet and cake night. Jess's sister and one of her oldest friends came over to share. I didn't take my usual huge portion of the food when I first went up. Not quite sure why though, but it was a good thing I did. The dinner in combination with cake and ice cream stuffed us all. I find it odd that a meal of sausage, beans, chicken, tomatoes, artichokes, cheese, bread, Guinness, gingerbread, ice cream and nuts would fill someone. Jess's Gingerbread and Guinness cake, had one layer for each decade. The candles were so bright that I didn't need the flash. Even in his old age, Nick did quite well blowing the candles out. The last picture links to a Quicktime movie of his efforts.

After dinner Nick brought out his tv and we watched 'Arrested Development' on Fox. It was pretty funny but I have a tough time with the format of the show. But everyone else was quite a fan.

Nick, Jess and I played cards for a bit. It was a good way to wind down and digest a bit more before bed time. Before I went to sleep I checked on my flight and packed everything up. Everything fit in a bit tighter than before since I decided to toss my coat into the bag. 50 degrees today, hopefully it will be nice tomorrow, though they are calling for some very chilly weather overnight.

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