Air Trip

Nick's Birthday

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Day two begins with a long sleep in. Actually I only slept until 10:30. But it was a good sleep. I will have to find out what kind of mattress that is. It is kind of funny because I recognize a lot of the furniture and wall hangings and such from Nick's room when he was little.

Jess went running and came back with some donuts as big as you've ever seen! Quite tasty, but not quite small enough for multi consumption. Jess's younger sis came in just now with the wedding invitations that she made for their wedding.. they are super cool. I'd show you one, but that would be giving away the secret!

Next we are going to head out to a place called Figlio's that has $2 everything for some sort of super happy hour. Figlio's is quite a nifty little bar, we sat along the side in the bar and had some of the tasty $2 treats. Nick and I had sloppy Joseph's and Jess got down to business on a Margarita pizza. Not sure why they call it that. All was tasty all was cheap.
Afterward we went to a place called Penzeys Spices. Nick says they are from Brookfield Wisconsin. But I imagine it doesn't make much so much difference to you. Oh! did I mention it was Nick's birthday? Well it is. Penzeys was fun. There was a little girl coloring there, and she was drawing a little flower. I imagine she would draw a bigger flower if the paper were bigger, but give her a break, she's just a kid. There were lots of other pictures that were quite interesting. Here is a sample of a few. The sodium one had to be altered a bit so that it was clear in the picture.

On the way home we drove past one of the 10,000 lakes that Minnesota boasts of. If I am lucky, I won't see them all before I leave. Currently this one is frozen over and there were some people with giant kite things getting pulled around on skates.

Nick is cooking up a cassoulet that we will have for dinner tomorrow. I am eating apple pieces that I had leftover from the part that I cut up. The rest of the day will be spent waiting around for dinner, which should most likely be super tasty. I downloaded a movie from my computer last night so I think we might watch that too. Off I go to open up some canned beans.

Whew, I needed a nap before dinner. we went out to a place called Vincent. It was quite tasty. I got fun silverware with my food. Both a tiny fork AND a tiny spoon. The tiny fork was fun for my snaily food. The tiny spoon was bad cause it meant my desert was tiny too. Nick got a happy birthday truffle of sorts. He happily shared and managed to blow out the candle (I wonder what he wished for).

After dinner we went to Brit's and had a beer before heading on home. I snapped a few pictures on the walk back to the car. No real agenda once we got home except some serious digestion. Nick got his presents from Jess and me and then we watched Battlestar Galactica for a bit. All in all it was a fun day. It's tough to have fully packed fun filled days with Nick. That's not so much our style. So this worked out quite well for us.


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