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4 new entries added after 7/22/08

  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 3
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 2
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 1
  • 11/14/08 Footprints in the sand
  • All old woodworking projects except the deck fence have been copied (but not removed) from here to Woodwork. Now you'll have two pages to come see for updates on my projects!
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    Roll Tape! - 3/24-25/07

    Last fall I did some painting to clean up the look of the front porch. Some time after that I stained the pressure treated wood on the side porch. Finally I decided to hit the front and side to get it all white and blue as I had planned initially. I am not sure why, but initially the two porches were not painted in the same way. The border areas were all green for one, and green with grey for the other.

    The first run through Taikara and I put a second coat of white on all of the front porch. After that we primed the side porch. The next day I went out and taped all of the white. I got it all taped and tore through all the blue. It was really tedious to do all the taping. I am not terribly good at it.
    I think that the none too smooth surface on the porch ceilings didn't help things. All in all it looks a lot better. I might give it another shot to touch up the blue that made it past the tape. But for now I will have to wait for the April showers to lay off!