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4 new entries added after 7/22/08

  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 3
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 2
  • 11/23/08-12/3/08 Quicksand 1
  • 11/14/08 Footprints in the sand
  • All old woodworking projects except the deck fence have been copied (but not removed) from here to Woodwork. Now you'll have two pages to come see for updates on my projects!
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    Knock Knock - 10/12/04

    I think that there is something to be said about getting the keys to a new place. There is something even nicer to get to change the locks. Bree bought me a great present. A knocker for the front door with my last name on it. Nice brushed brass.. very classy. I picked up new doorknobs and grabbed some deadbolts to give the house that added protection from mailbox haters. I tossed the new knobs on no prob.

    Once we got that set the knocker took center stage. Can't have a proper door without a peep hole. So that got slapped in to without much of an issue.

    Next on the agenda Chris and I took on the case of the sticky door. Our first effort involved a lot of door slamming and sand paper. Chris did his best impression of Jack Nicholson) but it just didn't work out. Next the door was removed and the belt sander took over. Easy work, though not really something to take pictures of.

    The rest of the door scene, was all Jul all and Chris. Chris bought a really cool chisel and we borrowed some door cutting tools from Greg. They took on the task of getting the dead bolts in solid. Took a bit longer than initially planned but now its all set and ready to go. No pictures though. Do you really want to see deadbolts? They're not terribly exciting.