Liger Zero
Shield Liger
Berserk Fury ]
[Blade Liger
Shadow Fox
Berserk Fury:
several weeks of voting, the Shield Liger won out over
the Berserk Fury. Definitely a close vote though...
Almost 50/50, so lets take a look at the big nastiness,
the Berserk Fury. When I looked for this model I noticed
that it was occasionally called the Berserk Fuhrer.
I don't know why there are two names for it. Perhaps
it has something to do with the fact that there are
lots of interesting translation choices when it comes
to the Japanese using english for marketing purposes.
Maybe it holds true for German too. Either way allows
me to use German references through out this page in
an effort to supplement my own attempts at humor.
Tabelle 1: Der Kasten |
day that I bought the Shield Liger I became worried
that I wouldn't be able to find the models very easily.
I decided that it would be a good idea to get the models
that I wanted as soon as I saw them. The original reason
why I didn't buy up the models I knew I would eventually
buy, was because I didn't want to go making them all
at once and have no more to make. Worse yet, I would
keep buying them and spend money on things I really
didn't care to have. I decided I should suck it up and
go get the ones I wanted and practice a little self
that night I decided to go out to WalMart and get the
Berserk Fury before some 8 year old got it. Bree went
with me this time. We got there after midnight and just
my luck, the toy section was being completely restructured.
You may recall how I found the Elephander
in a totally separate aisle from the rest of the
Zoid models. That aisle had nothing. I looked in the
Aisle with all the zoids, no Fury. So then we walked
up and down every aisle... nothing. So then we asked
one of the people working there if they knew if this
was all of the zoids that they had. Unfortunately they
didn't know. I was really confused now. I had seen at
least 2 Fury's the other day. They should be around
here somewhere. All of the restructuring meant that
there were tons of people with shopping carts filled
with things that belonged somewhere else. So i get the
idea to start searching the carts. Zoid aisle carts,
nothing, Barbie aisle carts, nope... Lego aisle... no
dice. Random irregular toy aisle (former home of the
Berserk Fury), not a thing. I didn't understand and
was about ready to give up. Something didn't seem right.
I realized much later that what seemed so strange at
the time, was there were so many empty shelves and there
really weren't that many carts of toys. I was getting
discouraged, but Bree pushed me down a few more aisles
looking for the models. After wandering once last time
through the aisles, we turned the corner to the bike
aisle, and found the motherload. A dozen or so carts
were in the aisle and were all filled with toys. I was
very excited. We found two carts that had Zoids in them.
One had an Elephander, and I knew we had to be close.
As Bree dug through the next cart she asked 'Is this
it?' and thus, I had found my new model. I don't know
if I was more excited to have the model or to get the
heck out of WalMart. Either way I got both. I totally
wish I took pictures.

Tabelle 2: Verstecktes website |
One thing I found noteworthy about the box this time was there was a website on the front. It must not be a very good one, because look at how hard it is to read. The
top is how it was originally, the bottom is the super
high contrast Photoshop version. I would think that
they would do a better job of making it visible. To
be honest, they do have it written on the back. But
easy to see on the back, is equally useless in my mind.
I sent to the site, it looks nice enough. If you have
a high speed connection, you can download little video
clips of a few of the Zoids walking.

Tabelle 3: ziehen Sie sich Fischatem zurück! |

other thing I noticed on the box, No Republic or
Imperial logo. This must be because it is from the
new series. It has stickers for the Empire. Which
is odd. But it also has a sticker that looks like
a bee of some sort. Perhaps it is the official Zoid
of Bumblebee tuna.
Tabelle 4:
Verdammen Sie, das eine Menge Teile ist
had read online about how some Zoids were a lot simpler
to make than others. The Fury has a ton of parts. And
they are sorted differently than other models. Each
set of parts starts at 1 instead of each part having
a unique number. I think the Elephander may be the only
one that is close to being as complicated as the Fury
so far. I'll just have to wait and see. The first night
had me putting the head together 4 times. I guess I
had it together right the first time. But the movement
for this guy had me pretty confused. It's a little more
jerky than I had thought it should be, so I kept rebuilding
sections and testing the movement as I went.
Tabelle 5: ein
oder zwei |
of movement, this model has two modes for moving. Option
1 is walking, option two is attack mode. But take a
look at this. The settings show that option 1 corresponds
to two dots, and option 2 is represented by one dot.
Must be a german thing, or a tuna thing. Either way,
it makes no sense to me. I would think it doesn't matter
really which is which. But if you are going to use braille,
The easiest think to figure out is which is one and
which is two. Actually I don't know for sure that this
isn't correct in braille. But if it is, then I'll have
to write a page all about how confusing the numeric
system in braille is.

9/15 |
the Berserk Fury |
Watched Pleasantville |
Built the head |
head motorized movement |
Rebuilt head 3
Completed the torso |
Started the Berserk
fury page |
9/16 |
Started reading a
232 page Thesis |
9/17 |
Completed the tail |
Completed the Legs
and 'arms' |
Made Hamburger
helper |
that 70's show |
the blades and 'jet pack' during Smallville |
Photo shoot |
web page |
Tabelle 6:Herr
Lavender |
realize that some colors have different meanings in
different countries. I had a friend in high school.
He said that he hated snow because white was the color
of evil and death. He was an odd duck anyway, but I
attribute this particular difference to a cultural thing.
I am pretty confident that even Hong Kim would agree
that lavender body armor does nothing to make a motorized
killing machine more vicious or menacing. Only those
that have a fear of PAAS would feel that way. Why it
couldn't just be a nice steely gray, I'll never understand.
Tabelle 7:
Käse! |
what makes this guy special? Well in the whole scheme
of things, the Fury is the counterpart to the Liger
Zero. Both have similar 'organoid' systems. These systems
allow the Zoid to be a learning living machine. This
translates to the Zoids being one of a kind and packed
with super neato histories, armor, weapons and pilots.
I don't plan to go out and get every zoid that is out
there. I am not that bored. I just thought it would
be neat to get some of the key players in the series.
I now have the two key good guys, and the two key bad
guys. There are a few others I might pick up but for
now I am done being a collector, unless new options
present themselves. |
Tabelle 8:
Blick heraus dort ist eine Gewehr innen dort |
like this model cause it made me feel like an eight
year old a few times. I am pretty handy as far as it
comes to putting things together. I had to pay close
attention to the directions and their odd methods of
listing directions so I could get it all together right.
All in all it was a pretty mean looking bugger. Nice
contrast to the grinning liger brothers.
translations done by babelfish)
Nick put the things I translated into German back into
Babelfish. Here's what what he got back:
Original |
German |
from German |
box |
Kasten |
box |
website |
website |
website |
off fish breath! |
Sie sich Fischatem zurück! |
yourselves fish breath! |
that is a lot of parts |
Sie, das eine Menge Teile ist |
which is a quantity of parts |
or two |
oder zwei |
or two |
Lavender |
Lavender |
Lavender |
Cheese! |
Käse! |
Cheese! |
out there is a gun in there |
heraus dort ist eine Gewehr innen dort |
out there is rifle inside there |