

[ Liger Zero | Elephander | Shield Liger * | Berserk Fury | Shadow Fox ]

After several weeks of voting, the Shield Liger won out over the Berserk Fury. So lets take a look at this baby. I bought the Shield liger with Lindy on a trip out to Roanoke. We checked out Toys R Us, and Walmart. TRU had a good selection, but was still over priced, as much as $10 more. So I stuck to walmart. Initially I was looking for something a little harder to find. But I figured that cheap is good too. Lindy especially liked the fact the shield liger is number 007. It must be the James Bond of zoids!

Figure 1. The whole box


Figure 2. Japanese Writing, Republic Seal,
and James Bond ID

Unsolved Mysteries

So I figured out a few things that I thought were really cryptic about the box.. the funky YTr thing at the top of Figure 2. is Japanese for ZO-EE-DO, or ZOID(O). So what is the logo under that? and why are some boxes red and some green? I found this out from watching the new Zoid series that is currently on the Cartoon Network. The series takes place in a point in time where zoids are used (developed?) by opposing armies. The logo in the middle of Figure 2 is for the Republic. The one that appears some other zoids is the Imperial seal (see figure 6 of the Elephander).

The French Are Not Amused
Here's something I noticed and Lindy did too actually. On the back and sides of the box the it exclaims the various amazing features. However, in the other languages the features are not so amazing. Ok check this out, here are four examples.

Figure 3-6.
100% Excitement in English, 0% Excitement in French, 50% Excitement in Spanish

I thought the funniest thing was the choices for hispanic excitement. I mean really is it the weapons? nooo... the shield? nooo.. "Look amigos the cockpit opens up! Lets get out of here!" and it walk "Look amigos this thing can move! Lets use it to get out of here!" I apologize if this sounds racist in any way, I blame it on my ignorance of what excites the spanish speaking people of the world. The only thing funnier than the choice of spanish linguistic excitement, is the French accent I used while saying 'Oh look, ze weapens, zey rotate' when Lindy and I were in the Olive garden parking lot. For the record the Minestrone soup there is the same as the italian chili, except there is meat and one less bean in the chili.

9/5 Started the Shield Liger
Watched NFL opening game
Answered a cryptic phone call from Emily

Completed body

Completed started the legs
Completed three legs while Emily watched Dragonball Z I had taped
Took Pictures of the Model
Let Emily take some aerial shots
Finished the Liger during an episode of Zoids on tape
Became confused because of the extra parts
9/6 Began the web page
Photo shoot
Edited Photos
Thanked god for backup power supply that I have during the 4 power failures
Finished site
wondered about eating lunch

Figure 7 Aerial Shot by Emily of randomly numbered snap off parts

It might be something to do with the fact that this was one of the first models (007) but for some reason the numbers were not put on the snap of cards in order. Before section A had 1-10 or so and B had 11-24 etc. But with the shield liger, the numbers were scattered around for no apparent reason. I couldn't find anything particular about the numbering that made any sense at all. Oh well it was late, maybe I just don't understand the modeling world. It just made it more difficult for me to find things. but I suppose it wasn't all that frustrating. I did think it was odd that there were two extra parts that weren't mentioned anywhere on the instructions.

Figure 8: Cheese!

Pretty Kitty
Now on the box it says that this is a Tiger type Zoid. However on the instructions, Lion type. So what is a liger? Well Nick hooked me up with a website that says
Male Lion + Female Tiger = Liger
Male Tiger + Female Lion = Tigon

So there you go!
Here is a picture i put together that would be something reminiscent of what you may have received at grade school from one of the cool people. I never liked that kind of picture. I always got the one that had the forest in the background. Aw look at him smile. I bet momma Tiger and Big Lion dad keeps a copy of that in their wallet to show their friends

Figure 9: Shield Liger and his little bro Zero

I like this one, much easier to make than the others. I need to buy some more batteries so I can have them stumble around together.

Next model, the Berserk Fury!