
[ Liger Zero * | Elephander | Shield Liger | Berserk Fury | Shadow Fox ]

I have been getting really bored lately. It's not because I donut' have things to do. I just get bored of doing the same old thing every day. Most of what I do is on this computer. In other words... it's intangible. So I don't really have much to show for any accomplishment I may make. A good friend suggested I get a hobby. So yesterday, while I was out at shopping for things I didn't' need, I looked down the toy isle. I had seen these models that were based off of things called 'Zoids.' Zoids are big ol robots that people get in and fight with on a cartoon series called, you guessed it, Zoids. I got into the show because the animation is partly computer rendered. Seeing as that is an area of interest to me, research wise, I tend to get easily drawn into these things.

The model I got was the key figure in the most recent Zoids series, the Liger Zero. I really wish I could remember the name of the models that were just like this when I was little. I swear they were so close to in design it must be the same company. Nick had a dinosaur looking one, I think. They were motorized, or maybe windup, and had little blue things where this one has red things. With a little gold pilot. If you remember please let me know.

The box amuses me. It has lots of languages on it. It's got lots of odd comments scattered around the all sides of the box. For example: "Product shown larger than actual size in fantasy situation." Hold on I will scan it in and show you...

I suppose that a green sky and yellow lightning could be considered aspects of a fantasy situation. I contend that any green sky would cause the lightning that might occur in it to be yellow. At the bottom there is a strange broken purpleness. I donut' know what that is. must be the fantasy part. The only other strange part is the 'echo' of the left front paw. However if you know this Liger.. you'd know it's fast!

My whole point
The whole point of this was to tell you about my experience with making the model. I guess I missed the point entirely. So here goes. So far, it's fun. I feel kind of dumb making a model that has 8+ on it. But I got over that pretty quick. I am sure that some 8 year olds are much better at doing this than I am. I am confident that my ability to drive and grow a beard (even if only a partial one) makes me far superior to the 8 year olds of the world. I spend a little time every once in a while when I get bored to just put together one section or so. It's surprisingly therapeutic. I can't wait to see how long it takes for me to get sick of the whole concept of whittling away at plastic nubs so that things look pretty. I think this is kind of like the day I found a pack of crayons and thought I should get a coloring book and go to town with advanced shading skills and 3D perspective drawing. At the end of the day, my hands just smelled like wax and I had little shavings all over the place. Actually I think this will be exactly the same. Oh you might note there is a Band-Aid on my finger.. This is a preventative Band-Aid, to stop my self from getting cut more than a I cut myself making a child's toy.

8/5 Completed body and head
8/6       Completed left front leg
Started this page (note above picture only has one leg
Ate lunch (hamburger helper leftovers I forgot to get to the night before)
Completed right front leg
Watched cartoons and cleaned the hamburger helper off of my bed
Completed back legs
Promoted liger zero model webpage with AOL profile
Placed model on my monitor next to my Explorer matchbox car I got for easter

I really tore through this one. I imagine it's one of the more complicated ones too. I need to find something new to make now. Perhaps I can swing by another toy store and see what they have. Ebay seems to have some good things for sale. For now I will try to hold off as long as I can. We'll see...

The show
Pretty snazzy stuff. Lots of combat, a good enough continuous plot line, as is standard in anime style cartoons. But man I love the graphics. Anyhow, I am getting ahead of myself. If you would like to watch the show, its on cartoon network at 4:30pm eastern time. There is another listing for Zoids at 6:30 am. I think it's a different series in the same 'realm' of Zoids,.not really sure.

Take a look at the next model, the unstoppable Elephander!