What The?

I admit it, I doctor lots of the pictures to make them suit my needs. Most of the time I am just cleaning up my hair, or pulling out clutter in a picture. This one I did so I could take out the bruises that I had in a picture of me.
Some the pictures I have taken, just don't look real. Now I swear that This is one is a real picture I swear. I am not superimposed on a postcard of the torn up grass of the drillfield. Most people wouldnt buy the fact that i found a pure blue sky in Blacksburg. What they don't seem to get is that the real oddity of this picture, is that the navigation that I use for the website was spontaneously appeared when the sun reflected off of my sunglasses.
This one is a real turkey I saw walking down town, I decided that it would be good to protect the turkey's identity. See turkeys were in season. I didn't want to get him in trouble. So I changed it so that no one would try to track him down.

Now the point of this page, I don't know how, but somehow, when I took the picture for the index page of 'Fifth Gear' Einstein got a zit. I don't know why or how, but it's kinda funny. Nick was on me for an explanation otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed.
Check out that thing, it's like he got a zit right before senior portraits or something. Happens to the best of us.

Man I hope that turkey made out ok.


Thanks for clicking on the smallest link on my site :)

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